Custom Modules
A sample of all of the custom modules included in the Showcase Theme on the HubSpot Marketplace.
Accordion (FAQs)
Answer the question here. This is a rich text module so you can include content such as links, images or lists, like this:
- Bullet points
- can be a helpful way
- of conveying information
And that's all there is to it!
Answer the question here. This is a rich text module so you can include content such as links, images or lists, like this:
- Bullet points
- can be a helpful way
- of conveying information
And that's all there is to it!
Answer the question here. This is a rich text module so you can include content such as links, images or lists, like this:
- Bullet points
- can be a helpful way
- of conveying information
And that's all there is to it!
Cards (With Icon)
A Highlight
Mauris non laoreet velit, vitae dapibus mi. Integer scelerisque libero mollis est porttitor, ac sollicitudin libero sagittis. Nunc iaculis nibh sit amet erat porttitor, eget porta dolor euismod.
Another Highlight
Donec blandit erat non lorem imperdiet aliquet. Maecenas tellus felis, vulputate in finibus eget, malesuada ac nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
One Last Highlight
Etiam sit amet lorem non mauris pulvinar maximus id et sapien. Proin laoreet venenatis justo, ac vehicula leo elementum non. Integer convallis facilisis nisl vitae blandit.
Google Map
Hero Banner
Module intended for use in a full-width section with no spacing
Title of the Page
Image Gallery

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.

Our Project
A brief decription of the project.
A Headline
A few lines of text that give a brief description of the images you see in the tiles surrounding this content.